Sunday, January 31, 2010

Brain Lecture

On Friday there was a lecture on the brain. One of the human bodys most complex muscle the lecture delved into it this muscle and the lecturer told many different stories about the brain. There were many different pictures that helped explain the different aspects of the brain and the different problems that some encounter with their brain. The lecture was a great at helping those who did not know much about the brain get more information on the brain. The students that sat in on the lecture got to learn alot of knowlegde whether they knew it already or not at all.
Photo provided from google

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Holocust Lecture

The lecture given by Professor Denis opened my eyes to many of the different aspects of life that the Jewish people and others captured by the Nazis in the Concentration Camps. Although i learned alot about this time period in my history classes it was new to me to learn that many that were held captive had the energy to still create art in their perdiciments. I learned many things about the Holocust that just added to knowledge that I already had on that subject. This did not change my relationship with Night.
(Image from Google)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Job Lecture

During the lecture I learned a lot about the illustrations of the book and how it can tell the story within the drawings. The things that surprised me that about the lecture is that the illustrations is that they were able to tell the story without words and it could just be explained with the pictures. The most interesting was finding out that there were actual illustrations that were tied to the story. The lecture really did nothing to change my view on the "Book of Job".

Compare and Contrast

The strengths of the portrayal of God and his relationship with human beings is that in the Book of Job is that he as characterized in the bible and Catholic teachings that he is the her over looks many of his followers and helps those who follow him and his teachings. The weaknesses of God in the Book of Job is that although he is forgiving and helpful he gives too much to those. His pact with Satan shows this because he put one of his most trustful followers on the line because he wanted to prove a point.