Sunday, February 7, 2010

The art of speech

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Question 1:

Where I am from we have a very different form of dilaect from most. Although I am from one of the buroughs within the city the speech from Staten Island is considerably different. I say many things differently from most. When I say dog I elongate my o's and instead of water I say watuh. There are many things that I say that are different. Comming to EC where there are people from all different states it was a change to hear all of the different dialects. All of my friends speak differently than I do.

Social Interactions:

The interactions between my friends and I here at school are completely different than the interactions that I would have with my friends back home. A topic that me and my friends at EC had was whether we were going to go to the Hockey game on Saturday.


The setting of this conversation was in the hallway of my dorm. The people that are present are my four friends ( all female) and myself. In this enviornment we are all completely comfortable and the conversation flows smoothly.


We were all excited to go to the game. The tone of the conversation was both happy and anxious being that we were worried about driving in the snow.


The Genre of the conversation was one of purpose due to the fact that we were trying to figure out the plans for that night. Once everything was figured out we went on to talk about many different topic such one was relationships.

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