Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Pink- Stupid Girl

I used this song "Stupid Girl" by Pink because I like the way she uses satire to show the stupidity that is going on with mainstream public fixtures. She opens peoples eyes up to the cracks in todays high standard to be perfect in society. With this song she is talking alot about female enpowerment. She is also showing that with todays society and the messages that women are constantly bombarded with many are striving to be perfect and taking extreme measures to do so. In this song she shows how with human nature people today strive for perfection when in many cases it is unitanable. How this song relates to order and chaos is that although these people who believe they are perfect the celebrities they look orderly to the rest of the world but on the inside they are intermoil because like mainstream americans who strive perfection so do these celebrities. They are put under a microscope and must look and act a certain way which could would be chaos within those persons.

(Pink. "Stupid Girl". I'm Not Dead.LaFace,2006.)

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