Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dynamic systems and the Chaos Theory

On April 5th in Gibson Theater I attended Professor Jacobson's lecture "Dynamic systems and the Chaos Theory." I was out off at first about the lecture due to the fact that I know that it would have to do something about math being that Professor Jacobson is a math professor here at Elmira College. I really did not have any expectations going into the lecture being as I have no interest in math and figured I wouldnt know what he is talking about anyway. When it began I was saying in my head "oh God here we go." I was quiet surprised that comming out of the lecture that I learned alot of new information that I thought I wouldn't. I found that the most interesting section of the lecture was on the Chaos Theory. Going into the lecture I knew nothing about it i had only heard it being said a few times within classes in high school. I was very interested in finally learning what this theory entailed. I was very surprised when he talked about the butterfly effect. I never really knew that if something happens in one place that it could have an effect somewhere else in the world.

photo provided by google images

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