Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A window into evolution

On Friday March 26th Dr. Kajar a professor here at elmira college gave a lecture on evolution. He was to explain evolution to the audience in a comical yet slightly sarcasic manner which due to his personality I knew he would do that being he is not only my bio professor but also my acedemic advisor. He expalained to the audience the miconceptions that are related to the topic of evolution. He stated that their was no process with evolution it was the evolution of gentics that caused it and also that evolution was not only subject to animals. One thing that I liked the lecture is that he related basically everything back to ants. Him being a ant biologist I did not find it surprising that he did hat but it was still interesting non the less. This lecture was very educational because you are able to see the other side of the evolution theory and you can see why it is such a touchy subject with the Catholic Church. His lecture was a big help to open the eyes to the sudents about the different theories and explanations about how many things came to be.
picture provided by google

1 comment:

  1. Your ideas about Dr. Kjar's lecture are interesting, I saw Dr. Kjar's lecture from a different point of view. As a scientist, Dr. Kjar can't undermine his profession by stating that creationism is a truth. But why do so many people disagree and claim some higher power created the world? I believe this sort of thing was discussed in The Communist Manifesto, I see that humans have a predictable pattern and the fear of change drives people to do extraordinary things for that belief. The same is true with Dr. Kjar. He is a scientist and must do his part to further science. It would be really interesting to get his point of view on religion. As for Order and Chaos, I believe everyone of us depend on some sort of hope. For scientists, hope is that we can evolve and become something better, for those who are religous living a good and moral life, usually provides structure, security and sanity in a world where chaos hides around every corner.
